Board Meetings

To watch the Board meeting with captions, please view the meeting here.

The Denver Public Schools Board of Education typically meets three times per month. All meeting dates, agendas and minutes, including archival information, can be found on BoardDocs. Visit BoardDocs and select the meeting you would like to view.

All dates, times and locations are subject to change.

Public Comment

Regularly Scheduled Monthly Public Comment


Residents, parents/guardians, staff and students who wish to address the Denver Public Schools Board of Education during a public meeting may now sign up online. The form is available on the agenda for public comment. Sign-up is available online at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday before the scheduled Work Session & Public Comment meeting, and it will close at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday before the scheduled Work Session & Public Comment meeting.

Public comment will now be divided into two sections - one limited to action items scheduled for the upcoming regular board meeting and the other for topics unrestricted to forthcoming action items. The total public comment period for any single action item shall be limited to thirty (30) minutes. The total open comment period unrestricted to action items shall be limited to no more than thirty (30) minutes. Each speaker may speak for no more than two (2) minutes. Every speaker must have an established relationship with Denver Public Schools, i.e., student of DPS, resident of Denver, parent/guardian or family member of DPS student, employee of DPS, or member of an organization partnering with DPS. Individuals may sign up only once to address the Board for each meeting. Individuals may sign up either for a specific action item or the open comment period, but not both. Substitutes are not allowed; only the person who signed up to speak may address the Board. The names of speakers MUST appear on the final public comment list in order to address the Board.

A finalized list of speakers will be posted to the Public Comment agenda on the day of the Work Session & Public Comment Meeting. Please check if your name is on the list to speak. If your name is on the list, you will also receive an email the day of Public Comment with logistical details. If your name is not on the list to speak, you may have signed up after the sign-up window, or the 30-minute limit for a topic had been reached before your sign-up. If space does not permit you to speak, we encourage you to email your comments to the board. The community's comments are very important to the board, and they will consider all comments, whether in person or written, in their decision-making.

Please plan your comments in advance to ensure that it is as clear and concise as possible. Be prepared to email your comments to the Board of Education in case we experience technical issues during the meeting.

Free parking for our board meetings is available beginning at 4:30 p.m. in the “Yellow” Lot located just north of the Emily Griffith Campus building. The entrance and exit to the lot is from 19th. Please note parking is on a first come, first served basis, until filled.

Meeting Types

Regular meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 4:30 p.m., unless otherwise noted. The board votes on each month’s action items during this meeting. Regular Board meetings are held at the Emily Griffith Campus, 1860 Lincoln St., Denver.

You are invited to attend our meetings in-person and/or watch them through our video streaming files. Please notify the Board of Education Office at least 48 hours prior to the meeting of any special accommodations.

Work sessions are held on the first Thursday of each month, unless otherwise noted. These meetings serve as an opportunity to prepare for the regular meetings and to study issues before voting.

Public Comment is held on the same evening as the Work Session.

Executive session is when the board may recess from a board meeting to a closed session for discussion. Topics to be discussed are limited to matters under the law such as personnel, real estate acquisitions, security or consultation with attorneys. All executive sessions are closed to the public. Board members may not vote during executive sessions.