DPS Spellbinders Storytelling Volunteers

Please enjoy the library of videos recorded by our storytellers. The link can be shared with students to listen to stories at a time convenient for them!
Cherry Tree Hill as told by Spellbinder Ray Mohr – Genre – folk story. Specific source – from a book called “Tales for Telling”, selected by Mary Medlicott, Kingfisher Books, New York, 1991. Message – Persistence does not always pay off. Suggested audience – 3rd – 5th grade.
The Snuff Box as told by Spellbinders storyteller Steve Levine
Everything is Connected by Spellbinders Storyteller Ray Mohr – Genre – a folk story from Africa. Message – All life is connected and we all affect each other. Audience – 1st – 4th grade

Teachers are you looking for a great way to support your students literacy through storytelling during remote learning? Look no further!
Storyteller volunteers are also available to join classes remotely for a live storytelling session. This allows for live interaction with your storyteller and adds to the benefits of supporting your students literacy journey. Here is a peer-reviewed study on the benefits of storytelling for your students – Why Storytelling Matters
To request a storyteller, please complete a Teacher Request for Spellbinder Storyteller.
Sign Up For Our Training!
2024 Fall Training is September 10th, 12th and 13th
If you are interested in becoming a DPS Spellbinder Storyteller or for more information, please email Volunteer_Services@dpsk12.net or Shirley Stafford, shirley223@aol.com