Waitlist Information

You can view your waitlist position(s) at any time by logging in to your SchoolChoice account.
Waitlists are dynamic, meaning your waitlist position(s) can move up or down based on the actions and priorities of all other applicants, both from Round 1 and Round 2.
For example, your student’s waitlist position at a school might change from No. 6 to No. 7 because a student in a higher priority group applied for a seat at that school.
Other position change examples:
If you are waitlisted at a school that is not your boundary school or a school in your enrollment zone (at which you have a guaranteed seat), a new student who resides within that boundary or enrollment zone will have a higher priority.
If a student is admitted to a school from a waitlist, the student’s sibling who remains on the waitlist will move above students without that priority.
If an applicant to a school is the child of a full-time employee at that school, the applicant will move above students without that priority.
A student living within the DPS district boundary has a higher priority and will move above a non-Denver resident on a waitlist.
Learn more about school admission priorities.
SchoolChoice waitlists for kindergarten through 12th grade remain active through September and waitlists for ECE-3 and ECE-4 continue until April.
If you are offered a seat from the waitlist at a higher preference school and you accept, any school choices below that option will be withdrawn.